Cheese is considered one of the most perfect foods as it contains most nutrients necessary for healthy diet. Many microorganisms may gain entrance to cheese during different stages of processing, handling, storage and distribution. This work was planned to throw light on the sanitary status of locally manufactured soft cheese in agreement with the Egyptian Standards. Sixty samples of soft cheese representing 30 samples, each of: small and large scale samples; were randomly collected under strict sanitary conditions from dairy shops and supermarkets in Giza and Assiut Governorates, Egypt. Collected samples were subjected to microbiological examination for enumeration of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Coliforms, Enterococci, Yeasts & Moulds and Staphylococci as well as isolation and identification of S. aureus organism. The obtained results reveal that the mean values of aerobic mesophilic count of examined samples of small and large scale white soft cheese were 1.2x107 ± 0.3x107 and 3x103± 0.4x103CFU/g., respectively. The mean values of coliform organisms,Enterococci, Yeasts & Moulds and total Staphylococci of small and large scale soft cheese samples were 1.3x104 ±0.18x104, 1.8x102 ±0.92x102, 6x104 ±0.2x104, 1.4x103 ±0.6x103, 8.3x106 ±2.5x106, 8x102 ±4.4x102 and 2x106 ±1.2x106, 1.7x103 ±0.3x103 CFU/g. respectively.On other hand, S. aureus could be isolated from 22 (73%) of the examined small scale samples, with mean count of 16x103 ± 4x103 CFU/g., and only from three samples (10%) of the large scale soft cheese samples with a mean count of 14x102 ± 0.4x102CFU/g. On studying the degree of acceptability of the examined soft cheese samples in agreement with the Egyptian Standards all of the examined small scale cheese samples (100%) were considered unacceptable regarding to total aerobic count, coliforms, Enterococci, total Yeast & Mould and Staphylococci content, while 100%, 86.6%. 50%, 73.4% and 83.3% of the examined large scale cheese samples were considered acceptable for their content of these organisms. The economic and public health significance of the existing microorganismsas well as the preventive and control measures were discussed.
Sherif, O., El-Essawy, H., & Abd El Salam, A. (2016). Hygienic quality and sensory evaluation of locally manufactured soft cheese. Egyptian Journal of Food Safety, 3(2), 1-11. doi: 10.21608/ejfsj.2016.156822
O. S. Sherif; Hamdy A. El-Essawy; Ayah B. Abd El Salam. "Hygienic quality and sensory evaluation of locally manufactured soft cheese", Egyptian Journal of Food Safety, 3, 2, 2016, 1-11. doi: 10.21608/ejfsj.2016.156822
Sherif, O., El-Essawy, H., Abd El Salam, A. (2016). 'Hygienic quality and sensory evaluation of locally manufactured soft cheese', Egyptian Journal of Food Safety, 3(2), pp. 1-11. doi: 10.21608/ejfsj.2016.156822
Sherif, O., El-Essawy, H., Abd El Salam, A. Hygienic quality and sensory evaluation of locally manufactured soft cheese. Egyptian Journal of Food Safety, 2016; 3(2): 1-11. doi: 10.21608/ejfsj.2016.156822